Reach out for Ryyan

Held every year on Ryyan Chacra’s birthday, September 27, Reach Out For Ryyan is a way to honor Ryyan’s legacy of making and keeping meaningful connections with people, and a step toward de-stigmatizing conversations about OCD, depression, and suicide.

As all of us who were fortunate to have Ryyan in our lives know, he stood out as a truly great friend. Ryyan treated his friends as family and had a talent for keeping in touch, reaching out, and bringing people together. He was the first to visit a friend who moved to a new city, the one to text the group and suggest a get together, the friend who would call you just to check in. 

On Ryyan’s birthday, September 27, we invite you to emulate Ryyan by reaching out to a friend or family member. Whether it’s calling a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while to let them know you’re thinking of them or connecting with someone you see every day on a deeper level, reaching out for Ryyan is a way to keep Ryyan with us and honor his legacy of building deep friendships and connections.

Finally, Reach Out For Ryyan is also an opportunity to fight against the societal stigma surrounding brain disorders and suicide.

For the past several years, Ryyan battled OCD and, recently, depression. Tragically, it was difficult for Ryyan to express the extent of his suffering to his friends and family, even as he offered us his unconditional friendship and support.

No one should have to suffer alone or in silence. To the extent that you are comfortable, we hope that these conversations can be a chance to let our loved ones know that there is no shame in needing or seeking help and that we are someone they can talk to about these difficult topics.

If you want some ideas on how to start these conversations, here are some questions to start with:

Here are some resources for navigating conversations about depression and suicidal thoughts:

Resources if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide:

Thank you for Reaching out for Ryyan!

If you would like to tell us about your conversation, offer a reflection, or leave a note, we invite you to send us an email.